
DASF has saved over 30,000 pets through our programs, and it means so much to us to hear how our organization helped make a difference for animals in your life, like in the cases of the testimonials below!

Jim J.

“Thank you all of you, whose kindness and compassion help so many homeless, hurting animals. If there were more humans on this planet like you, I believe the consciousness of the whole human race would be elevated.”

Wanda C.

“This foundation has done so much to support local animal shelters. As a lifetime resident and volunteer at the Denton Animal Shelter, I can speak first hand of how things have changed thanks to the support of this organization.  They make a difference and save the lives of our four legged friends. #Spayed #Neuter #Microchip”


“Dear DASF, thank you for all you did to help me keep my 14 pets healthy and fed. We could not imagine having to part with them and thank you for helping our family stay together!”


“My neighbor abandoned her cat and we had no way to feed another pet let alone take it to the veterinarian for a spay. Thanks to DASF, we are able to keep this kitty and never see her alone outside fending for herself ever again. Thank you for your help!”

“Thank you for all your help with getting our pets sterilized. We could not have taken in these strays without your help!”

— Jenny

“Just wanted to give you a big THANKS for the help with Lacy’s vet visit. The tests have been done and we are waiting for the results. We could not have done it without you.”

— Allison

“Thank you for the work that you do in supporting animals and their families.”

— Brenda B.


“Thank you, DASF for helping my dog, Remington! This dog has gone through so much with me and I cannot see myself making it without him by my side! You have been a blessing to us both!”